Wednesday, February 19, 2020

#85: Alert: We Do Not Control How Socialism is Defined

Thank you for continuing to share these messages with your friends. If you are not already on our mailing list, please click here to be added to our list. You can also follow me on Facebook where you can read and share these messages. The more people we can reach, the more we contribute to this growing movement. We share these posts on our blog, A Path Forward to November 3, 2020, every two weeks, which means there will be a total of 100 missives before the Presidential election of 2020, in which our country will select a whole new course.

Soon, Roger Stone will find his home in the slammer, which is what happens when you make false statements to the FBI and indulge in some witness tampering. The rule of law will be upheld in the face of a relentless assault by the President. 

We are left to arguing over whether Attorney General Bill Barr genuinely chastised the President over his tweets about federal cases, or whether his push back was designed to cover his own attacks not just upon the Department of Justice, but on justice itself. It turns out both things are true. Barr’s remarks were unapproved, and may even rankle Donald Trump, since everything else does. But those remarks will help Barr do bad things regarding Mike Flynn, or the FISA court, or some other Trump grievance. 

Barr may even have a tiny bit of regret as the President boxes him in and destroys the rest of his reputation. Those who have received Presidential blessings in the past—John Bolton, chief of staff John Kelley, General Jim Mattis, even Steve Bannon realize that ministrations must be offered and accepted weekly or no comfort will ensue. Mike Pompeo, be forewarned. Others have thought that they could still make a little public policy and be a sycophant all at once. When you make a list of who has done so, you realize no one is on that list because just when they think their counsel is valued it will be discarded, or mocked. Mike Pence, Trump’s base doesn’t care for you at all. What will you do after we take back the presidency?

Three big cases are going just fine, demonstrating that judges remember the oaths they swore. In United States vs. Roger Stone, Judge Amy Berman Jackson does not have to listen to Barr’s revised sentencing recommendation, way below the guidelines set in federal statute. Because she doesn’t have to, she won’t. 

On March 31, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on three separate court rulings requiring Donald Trump to release his tax returns. Actions to compel Trump have been filed by New York State attorney Cyrus Vance, by the House Oversight Committee, and separately by the House Intelligence and Financial Services Committee. These are promising because Trump’s attorneys have been seeking to establish an unprecedented level of presidential immunity, well beyond the level that Chief Justice Roberts is likely to accept. The Court is expected to rule by late June.

There is good news as well in the relentless Trump-led effort to find people who need food and take it away from them. A three-judge federal appellate panel has rejected an Arkansas effort to impose Trumps’ onerous work rules on food stamp recipients. The rules had cut aid to 18,000 people. Unless the Supreme Court intervenes, the new rules will remain frozen.

There have been notable successes in using the courts as the last and often best defense against Trump. These include the ruling overturning the participation-limiting citizenship question the administration tried to add to the Census. Unfortunately, the courts ultimately approved a revised and a tiny bit less onerous Trump travel ban and his misuse of appropriated funds to build the wall.

All resisters understand that it would be a spectacularly bad idea to let the assault upon the rule of law to go on another four years. That would be unbearable outcome. As we all know, it is entirely preventable on November 3.

We learned a lot in the congressional election of 2018. Not least, we learned how to attract five million more votes from independents, many from the suburbs. Are we going to forget it all, and instead bet that we can tutor Americans on their understanding of “democratic socialism?”

Our ranks are filled with smart people who can explain what parts of our society are socialistic, and why the American public should not feel concerns about Bernie Sanders’ self-professions. These attempts are of note because the Gallup Poll just found that 53% of Americans won’t vote for a socialist

The problem is that even with that continued counsel from Sanders supporters, we are not even close to controlling this narrative at present. We will be even further away from controlling this narrative in the middle of the summer if we serve up to Donald Trump a premium way to divide us from the voter. “Democratic socialism” is a club with which to hit us over the head, each day from now until November 3. We must not and cannot have this be the central bet we will place in the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

Let’s be strong from within our extraordinary movement. A tiny number of delegates have been distributed, so we can keep on listening to debates and sorting our candidates. Advocates, let’s keep our thumb off the scale when we report on candidate’s voting records. (That includes you, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund and your “case” against everyone except your two favorite candidates). Let’s show some care as well with our own personal candidate evaluations. With regard to Mayor Pete, when did earnestness get identified as an undesirable trait? We all get to decide whether we should be swayed by Michael Bloomberg’s ad buys, but calling him “corrupt” generally means he is doing something illegal, which he is not. We might also want to stop pretending that Michael Bloomberg ever supported redlining, which he did not. Stop and frisk was wrong in its time and during any time. It’s up to us to judge what he is saying about it now, and whether it disqualifies him from our vote.

No one is telling us we can’t glory in our passions, and fiercely debate who we should pick. Might that be Senator Amy Klobuchar, fresh from as good a three minute debate speech as we have heard this year? Millions of us are going to do everything we can between now and November 3 to defeat Donald Trump. Since flocks of us will be traveling to swing states, this missive will soon address how to make sure such traveling campaigner adventures can generate the highest possible election value. The first thing to remember is the selection of an on-the-ground partner. It is hard to do worse than going three thousand miles and then be handed a doorbelling list for a neighborhood which has just been covered.

If you are in a blue state from which travelers will migrate, look for groups in your area that are traveling together, that are well briefed and organized, and that have already secured a solid in-state partner. Washington State’s Common Purpose is an exemplar of this approach.

In the meantime, now that we are nine months away from independence, let’s do these three things:

1) Support the Major Defense Against Trump’s Offenses
State Attorneys General have been an indispensable litigant trying (and often succeeding) to keep Trump within the constraints of the rule of law. They have filed over a hundred lawsuits. Many are pending. This excellent summary from Canada’s largest newspaper charts the considerable success of these states. These include highly notable cases in the areas of immigration and the Affordable Care Act, and great “under the radar” wins, such as blocking the Trump administration from allowing the online release of blueprints for making guns with 3-D printers.

It’s time to check the performance of your state’s Attorney General, see the extent to which she or he has been a player, and thank them for standing up to Trump.

Give Fair Fight a Fair Chance to Battle Voter Suppression in Georgia
Led by their Secretary of State, Brian Kemp (himself running for Governor), Georgia Republicans spent all of 2018 working on new ways and time-tested ways to suppress the African-American vote. Over five years, they closed 214 polling places and thus decreased voting access. As a direct result, Democrat Stacey Abrams ending up losing the Governor’s race by just 50,000 votes out of nearly two million cast.

Stacey is fighting back with her new voting rights and voter registration organization, Fair Fight. This organization would be a key place to invest in any year. This year they are even more important since a resignation and a retirement leave open both Georgia seats in the U.S. Senate. You can boost Stacey’s efforts and help put Mitch McConnell in the minority all with the same click!

Figure Out Multiple Ways to Help Amy Klobuchar
Daily Beast columnist Matt Lewis is right. It’s suddenly obvious Amy Klobuchar is the Democrat’s best bet. One could read similar sentiments two missives ago! There’s nothing wrong with supporting another viable candidate. We’re all trying to figure this out. On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with giving Amy a look if you haven’t already.  

You can feel it intensifying as the weeks go by. You could let the Trumpian mean-spiritedness and daily assault on our country wear you down. The alternative would be to cause it to propel you, every day until November 3. Let’s choose that option.

David Harrison
Bainbridge Island, Washington

Thursday, February 6, 2020

#84: You Will Rectify This “Appalling Abuse of the Public Trust”

Thank you for continuing to share these messages with your friends. If you are not already on our mailing list, please click here to be added to our list. You can also follow me on Facebook where you can read and share these messages. The more people we can reach, the more we contribute to this growing movement. We share these posts on our blog, A Path Forward to November 3, 2020, every two weeks, which means there will be a total of 100 missives before the Presidential election of 2020, in which our country will select a whole new course.

Nancy Pelosi knew from the beginning that conviction in the Senate was not going to emerge as the final, definitive, justice-serving act that would save America from Donald Trump. We impeached because we had to. Having it come down to whether to call John Bolton as a witness was a fortunate defining moment, which we can revisit every time a bit of Bolton’s book leaks out.

And then came Lamar Alexander, who grew up admiring Republican Senator Howard Baker’s bipartisan approach to the prospective impeachment of Richard Nixon. Because Alexander is not running for re-election, he seemed an ideal candidate for some truth-telling. Though he was unable to muster the strength to vote for witnesses, he delivered this:

“It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law.”

After that, even more notably came Mitt Romney, declaring Trump’s actions “an appalling abuse of public trust.” He said:

Attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made.”

Regarding Trump’s impeachable acts, there will be much more to say between now and November 3, new disclosures and all new actions by Donald Trump. What Donald Trump said to John Bolton will be one of many mirrors in the carnival’s hall of horrors. Lamar Alexander and Rob Portman and Ben Sasse and Lisa Murkowski's statements come down to this: “Yes, he did it.” The stories of the “perfect call” are lies. We can work with that. And, we can glory in the fact that Mitt Romney had the honor and the courage to step forward. That was the hardest thing he has ever done.

We have fewer than 10 months to the election. Our present collective consternation is problematic. Are we really going to buy into a luxury we can’t afford, which is to be locked in despair or to be made dysfunctional by anger over monumental Republican Senatorial constitutional malfeasance? What would be the point of that in the face of the most consequential election of a lifetime? Worse, what would be the point of the fatalistic and absurd contention that if we can’t impeach him, we can’t beat him, which is harbored by the most beleaguered among us? Why would that conclusion even remotely be the case? We know the man threaded the needle the first time, winning by 80,000 votes in three states after receiving Putin’s intentional and Jim Comey’s unintentional assistance. Why would we attribute superpowers to a con man? Beat him.

We are dismayed that he has a continued following ranging up to 40% of the electorate. It is sad and bad, but why is it a surprise? He has his own tv channel! It feeds a daily narrative that every single thing we do to defeat him is evidence that he is being successful. It’s all a deep-state spin, and those in that “party” who don’t buy into it have found no way to escape from it. Happily, the very things that Donald Trump says and does to keep this “base” are what has driven independent voters away from him.

We already proved that good news in November 2018, which was the first national referendum on Trump. Totaling the House races, we won by over 9.6 million votes, the largest midterm margin in history. We already have the blueprints, and we are already using those blueprints to move forward daily--- register new voters who will be with us; lay the groundwork for a huge voter turnout, which was absent in 2016. Support strong candidates, early and often. Make certain our candidates behave in appropriate ways toward each other, and consider walking away from them if they do not. We are in this together.

Swing Left has targeted 12 super states.They want us all to tattoo the names of these 12 states to our forearms, or at least etch them in our memoriesArizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin

Unbelievably, we lost all of these states except Colorado and Maine in 2016. This sorry performance gave us 232 electoral votes of the 270 we needed. Consider the ten states we lost. There are many paths of victory (38 more electoral votes) beyond winning back Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, even though those states are looking great. 

We won the governor’s races in all three in 2018, with margins of 400,000 votes in Michigan and 860,000 in Pennsylvania.

In the likely event that we win both Michigan and Pennsylvania, the election would be ours when we win Arizona or North Carolina or Wisconsin, all of which we lost narrowly in 2016 and all of which have treated us to large gains since then. And then there are several other combinations of states in which we are doing well. Back in Obama’s day, we won Florida and Ohio. Of these two, Florida is extremely promising. We lost narrowly in 2016, had 2018 gains, and are doing a great job of registering new voters, aided by a Florida law that re-grants voting rights to certain ex-offenders.

We are not going to lose the “firewall” states that we famously lost by 70,000 votes. Startlingly, we could well win Florida and Arizona or Florida and North Carolina and not need any of the industrial Midwest, except for Illinois.

Defend the states we won in 2016 and then choose from the states below to pick your path to 38 more electoral votes that will restore America:

State # of electoral votes
Texas 38
Florida 29
Pennsylvania  20
Ohio  18
Michigan  16
Georgia  16
North Carolina 15
Arizona 11
Wisconsin 10
Iowa  6

Since the foundation for this wonderful outcome is the candidate we choose and the hard work we will take on between now and November, let’s do these three things:

1) It’s Time to Thank Mitt Romney
Not only did Mitt Romney do a courageous thing, he gave an extraordinary speech on why he voted as he did and it should be required reading. A lot of people will disparage him. He needs to know that there are millions of people out here who admire that he stood up when every bone is his body was calling for him to sit down. Call his Salt Lake City office at 801-524-4380.

Click and Donate to Amy McGrath
There are other senators like Cory Gardner that we are even more likely to beat, or Thom Tillis. But, why not defeat the single most cynical person in the country, who somehow also ended up as the Senate Majority Leader. Mitch McConnell’s approval ratings are underwater in Kentucky, and former fighter pilot Amy McGrath is running a campaign that gets stronger with each month. Could there be a more satisfying contribution to make? 

Add a Few Million More Voters
Both 2016 and 2018 were “turnout” elections. Getting people registered and to the polls was hugely consequential. In 2016, our shortcomings on this matter caused our temporary demise. Much of voter registration (and its promotion) has become an online task, with Rock the Vote remaining the key player. But the League of Women Voters has not forgotten that this is about all of us. The League is coming on strong again, with over 60 affiliates participating in their national efforts. Watch this trailer made by League members in San Luis Obispo and revisit what is being done in your own community. 

So it goes. As November nears, hundreds of thousands of us are thinking of helping in swing states like the twelve identified by Swing Left. The next missive will feature how to consider the pros and cons of such on the road experiences. If you have adventures (or misadventures) to share, email in the next ten days.


David Harrison
Bainbridge Island, Washington